Santa Fe Station Relic
(click in the image for a larger version)
This relic has been parked on the track near the old Santa Fe train station for years. I love the observation deck at the top of this car. This image is actually a composite of two separate exposures, one for the top and one for the bottom, designed to increase the available pixel dimensions of my camera.
Digital Black & White Workshop: Feb 6 - 10, 2006
Coming up in early February, I am teaching a week long workshop at the Lepp Institute of Digital Imaging in Los Osos, California. The workshop is on digital black & white techniques and covers a range of topics for getting the best black & white images using Adobe Photoshop CS2. The Lepp digital darkroom lab is one of the best I have ever taught in. Each student has access to an Epson Stylus Photo 2200 as well as a Nikon 35mm film scanner. Additonally, large format Epson printers are also available. One day during the week will be spent practicing camera and exposure techniques at a nearby location. Los Osos is located on the southern edge of Morro Bay on the beautiful central California coast. Check out the Lepp site for more details.
this photo is so good. when was the photo created. i just love the observation deck
Posted by: digital camera reviews | 20 May 2009 at 08:02 PM