Alternative Transportation [Canon 5D]
Santa Fe, New Mexico May 1, 2009
(click in the image for a larger version)
On the final day of my Santa Fe workshop last month I was driving out Cerrillos Avenue to pick up some supplies for my drive south when I saw this cowboy and his dog riding into town. At first I continued on my way, which was in the opposite direction, but after stopping to photograph an old motel sign, I realized that this was too good of an opportunity to pass up. So I turned around and headed back until I caught up with the cowboy. I drove some ways ahead, found a spot to park my car and then waited until he arrived at my position. I followed him on foot for a bit, taking photos as he passed by new backgrounds. As he approached the gas station I saw the scene as a perfect juxtaposition of the old and the new, as well as a subtle commentary on our dependence on gasoline and the rising cost of fossil fuels.
Here's anotehr view of him and his faithful dog crossing an intersection:
I am in Maine at the moment and will be here for a few more days. Images from this trip will begin to appear on the blog in the next couple of days.
Upcoming Workshop in Connecticut
The Creative Digital Darkroom
July 5 — 11, 2009
CT Media/Photography Institute
Farmington, Connecticut