The Bell
Link to larger HD version
Halloween has passed but in a slightly spooky spirit, here's a short film (3 minutes) that was shot on an iPhone 4 and edited entirely in Photoshop CS6. I originally shot the video clips last spring for a demo on video editing in Photoshop CS6 at the Society of Photographic Educators conference in San Francisco. Over the intervening months I've tinkered with it some more, redone the opening section, added some new elements, and finally found time to make a sound track.
The nice thing about the video editing capabilities in Photoshop CS6 is that if you already know how Photoshop layers work, it's pretty easy to start working with video layers. It's essentially just layers arranged over a span of time, which you can control with the Timeline panel. Plus, you can use all the usual layering tricks that work on a still image...layer masks, adjustment layers, layer styles, filters, blending modes, etc...With the release of Photoshop CS6, video editing is now supported in the standard version; you don't need to get the Extended version in order to play around with this cool functionality!
In this short film the opening section is actually a composite made from two still photos (the TV and the room behind it). The video clips have been added into the closet and the TV screen using layer masks to control where they appear, as well as layer blending modes to affect how the video blends with the still images. I'll be creating a Photoshop Viewfinder video tutorial exploring some of these techniques in coming weeks, so keep an eye open for that.