Death Valley Heat [Diana Camera Collage]
August, 2010
(click in the image to see it larger)
The forecast for today and tomorrow predict that the high temperatures in Death Valley will get up close to 130 degrees Fahrenheit. Here's a collage that was inspired by that weather forecast made from five negatives taken with my Diana camera on a summer trip there three years ago, when the high was only 115.
It's always interesting to me to see where the inspiration to make an image comes from. In this case, a simple weather report. This coincided with running across these Diana images from Death Valley the week before as I was organizing several years worth of pinhole and toy camera negatives. You can see the five images used in this composite below. All are from the same roll of film (click in the image to see it larger).
In addition to my DSLR and the Diana, I also had my ZeroImage 6x9 pinhole camera with me for some images I wanted to make for my Artifacts of an Uncertain Origin project. You can see two of the tableaus I created on this trip below. Click in the images to see them larger.