Spring Runoff in the Moonlight
South Fork Yuba River • Canon 5D Mark II
(click in the image for a larger version)
Another scene from Saturday's night photography outing in the SIerras. This is a multi-shot panorama (if a square image can be called a panorama, that is). The basic composition is made of three vertical shots from left to right. These three shots were taken twice; one set was done at 15 seconds to ensure that the stars did not trail, and a second set was done at 25 seconds to record better detail in the darker parts of the scene. Two additional shots were added to show more of the night sky above the trees. The ISO was 1000.
The two separate panoramas (15-seconds and 25-seconds) were created using Photoshop's Merge to Panorama feature. These were then combined manually with a layer mask to show the 15-second part in the sky area and the 25-second part in the lower part of the scene. The third component that showed more stars above the trees was added the same way.
I'm looking forward to heading back out tonight for the "blood moon" total lunar eclipse!