The Lock [pinhole photograph]
(click in the image to see a larger version)
Here's the latest from the Artifacts of an Uncertain Origin series. This was made in Iceland in February of this year. I first photographed this same lock in Iceland in the summer of 2012, but was not satisfied with any of the images I made of it. It's not the first time in this long running series that I've photographed the same item with a span of many months (or more than a year) between the photos. I have one other image from my February Iceland trip that I still need to work on that I am very excited about. Like the lock, it was also photographed on the 2012 Iceland trip but none of the exposures I made of it worked out. Fortunately I did get what I was after on this year's trip.
You can see more from the Artifacts of an Uncertain Origin series over at my portfolio on Lens Culture.
Interested in channeling your creative photogrpahic muse while exploring some of the incredible landscapes in Iceland? Join me this October for my workshop Autumn & Aurora Discoveries.