Riot Police, Cuzco, Peru [pinhole photograph]
How to Have Interesting Experiences as a Photographer, TIP# 42: Go to a foreign country where you don't speak the language and take pinhole photographs of the riot police on a turbulent day of civil unrest.
Actually, although they eyed me and my tripod-mounted Holga pinhole camera with professional scrutiny, I was not taken into custody and hustled off to a dank interrogation room, there to reveal all manner of pinhole, toy camera and Photoshop secrets.
Later in the day I took a portrait of another group of police and they were quite cooperative and flattered. Hey, I guess that sort of attention is much better than the threat of being pelted with rocks and pieces of concrete (which did take place in other parts of the city that day).
I am off to New England this morning to teach a week long class at the Maine Photographic Workshops. Sunday will be a blogging day off and new posts will resume on Monday or Tuesday.